Welcome to the wireless security code-breaking trial system CODE BREAKER. This system digitizes security system code into a virtual format or “brick breaker video game.” You will have access to the three systems: Code Breaker, Classic, and SYSTEM UNKNOWN, each one offering a set of locations to hack into.

- Code Breaker: A shake-up on the standard brick breaker formula, now introducing a shooting mechanic to both speed up gameplay and allow for trick shots. Instead of the standard power-ups, players are given a variety of weapons via power-up drops, including a shotgun, rapid-fire, and a small bomb. Beware: not all drops are safe.

- Classic: A return to traditional form. Mostly. The paddle can no longer fire (unless you find the right power-up,) and you can expect the normal random drops upon destroying a brick, including an extra ball to lose, bonus damage, an explosive ball, a bigger paddle, a vortex, and a teleportation ball. More will be added as I think of them.

 - UNKNOWN SYSTEM: ERROR. System not recognized. Corruption detected. (Not available in demo.)

Along with these three systems, each one also has a choice of three difficulty options, including: 

Normal: Standard brick break difficulty. One paddle and one pit. 

Hard: Take out the ceiling and let some sun in. You now have to worry about two paddles. 

Impossible: Walls? Who needs them? Take them all out! The ball can fall out of any corner of the screen. Trust the name. You'll never beat this.

Along with the shooter shake-up, I've also decided to alter a standard lifestyle we're all used to. And by that, I mean it's gone. Your score now dictates how many tries you have left. Every game starts with 10'000. Every loss takes 7'500 away. Once you reach -10'000, the game is over. While similar to a normal live counter, it comes with one critical difference. High scores are much harder to get.

Speaking of which, high scores are tracked for all systems and difficulties. Under the Challenges option, you'll find four different challenges for each system and a total block kill count. These are how all customization options are unlocked. Level completion and high scores for all systems and difficulties are on the next page. That's right, it's not just one high score. Getting a high score in normal is cool, but can you get it on impossible?

Note: Demo does not include all customization. Challenges can be completed, but will not be carried over.

While the game is in a complete state, I do not plan on halting updates. I have many plans that I want to accomplish, including more systems that alter the way a brick-breaker is played and customization options. This game is a demo, so many options will be restricted.

Future content planned for the release: 

 - Game mode variation: Stone, Aqueous, and Origin all of which will come with 25 levels each.

- Additional color options and challenge rewards, including Prototype Gold, Classic Cryo, Classic Metal, and customization for Stone, Aqueous and Origin game modes.

 - More music: I'm still learning and have yet to make more. I promise it won't be one song. 

This game has taken years of work, and I've taught myself many of the skills required for game development. It's been an incredible process of trial and error and deleting far too many failed attempts. I'm proud of the little game I've created, and I hope you all enjoy it!

I'm also an author writing about a zombie apocalypse on an alien planet. You should check it out. The E-Book only costs a dollar: https://www.wolfprintbooks.com/dark-descent

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